Monday, April 13 - Bolger Visit
Peg and Don Bolger came to visit today. It was just a little over an hour drive from where they are staying. They arrived around 11:30 and we sat out on the lanai for a while and chatted. Then we went by golf cart into Lake Sumter Landing for lunch at Toojays. Larry and I both got the Reuben sandwiches and both took home half of them and half of the french fries. Then we went up to the Palmer golf course and Peg found a pair of shorts to buy. We went back to the house and said our goodbyes. 
The weather was overcast most of the day but the temperature was warm. However, I wore a 3/4 length shirt that I had on all day wehn we went to play golf and was comfortable. If the sun would have been out I would have been too hot but since it only poked out once in a while I was good. We went to the Havana course to play which is where we played all the time last year. When we were there last year the clubhouse was being built and we had to sign up in a little temporary shack. This time we went into the pro shop and were greeting by a less than friendly person who grumbled that we should have let them know we were coming. That was the first time any one has ever told us that. Hardly anyone plays after 4:00 PM. Then he told us that we could play on any course but would have to wait a bit for Kilimanjaro. We asked what the course was across the street because we liked playing that one and he said Kilimanjaro. We said we'd play on any of them, meaning why play on the busy one, but he obviously didn't understand because that's the one he gave us. Oh well, maybe he had a bad day. He certainly wasn't your average, extremely friendly Villager.
Around the 3rd hole we played around the foursome ahead of us and when we got to the 2nd 9, Hemingway, we were the only ones on the course. We skipped the two holes way in the back so that we could get back to the 9th before dark. And now that we know how to turn the lights on in the golf cart we didn't have to worry about driving home.
For dinner we finished our lunch and added a side of coleslaw that we had leftover from yesterday.
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