Since he visited when we were here last year we didn't need to do the tour. But since we have a 4-seater golf cart we rode to the Rec Center to get a visitor pass and then to Sweetbay to buy something for dinner.
Later in the day we walked into Lake Sumter Landing, walked around the town and went to Barnes and Noble.
For dinner we had tilapia, sweet potatoes and asparagus. We were all too full for dessert later on, well, maybe Michael would have had some ice cream but since we weren't going to he passed also.
The next day we went to the driving range to hit balls into the water. However, since Michael didn't wear a shirt with a collar they wouldn't let him hit. We didn't know that it was part of Havana Country club and had the same requirement since it was so far away.
Then we drove around and looked at some open houses.
Michael switched seats with me on the golf cart (I was in the back) so I could give the directions better because no one in the front could hear me. By the time we got home, Michael's legs were pretty red from both sitting out the golf and riding out in the sun on the back of the cart. He drove home after that and when he called after getting back he said he looked like a lobster - a cooked one. Sorry Michael!
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