Monday, April 20 - Bayers Visit
Bonnie and Bob came to visit today. They had been here for the day once about 5 years ago before Sumter Landing had been built. We visited for a while and then took the golf cart into town. It was lunch at my favorite Toojays and while we were there it started to downpour. It was still raining when we left so Bob and Larry took the golf cart back to exchange for the car and Bonnie and I walked through the shops. By the time the guys were back it had stopped raining and it never rained again the rest of the day. We walked through all of Lake Sumter landing and then did the full tour and drove around both sides of the Villages.
By the time we got back it was time for happy hour on the lanai. Before it got too late we had a ligtht dinner of salad and soup. We had made a bean soup with the ham bone from Easter and it was gasless soup because all the beans had been pricked after soaking ;-).
Bonnie brought her dominoes and we played a full game of dominoes until it was 1:00 AM.
Bonnie won, I came in second, then Bob, and Larry finished with a whopping score in the 300s.
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