On Easter Sunday we went to the 7:00 AM mass to avoid the crowds. What a joke. We left to get there around 6:30 and the parking lot was packed. Fortunately the parking lot extended around to the back where there were a lot more spots. We did wind up sitting in the Social Hall where they had chairs set up and we had our own service, not closed circuit. My neck pain was now the nerve pain that shot down my shoulder and I did Yoga again and went into the hot tub too.
For dinner we grilled a peppercorn pork tenderloin with asparagus and sweet potatoes. I forgot to take a picture before we ate it, but this is all we had left. It was really delicious.

This morning, Monday, I did Yoga again and I could feel my neck getting better as I was doing it. It is so amazing what it can do. I did my favorite yoga that I found on YouTube when we were down here last year. Whenever I am in pain it works so well because it makes you hold all the poses for a long time that just help stretch out all the tightness.
We watched an episode of 24 while I ate my breakfast and then we went to play tennis. Yesterday there was no way I ever could have thought that I would feel good enough to play tennis today. And I wasn't bad, considering I hadn't played since the summer. But of course, Larry beat me, 6-1 and 6-3.

We went back home to cool off and watched another 24 episode. After that we went to get some gas for our grill at Lowe's and then to Weight Watchers for my weigh in. I was a pound higher than when I reached my goal but I'm attributing that to all the coffee and water I had today, plus food. Uusually I go first thing in the morning before an ounce of liquid gets into my body. I got a key chain for attending 16 meetings and a charm for losing 10% of my body weight. Next week I'm going to a 9:00 AM meeting just like home.
We went to Publix and then over to Lake Sumter Landing to check out the Izod store. I couldn't find anything but Larry got 2 shirts and a pair of shorts. Then we went to Sweetbay where we found a good supply of Schweppes diet tonic. When we got back we had vodka tonics for only 2.5 pts. YUM!!!

A 2 pt snack, Laughing Cow cheese and Low Fat Town House crackers (6) and the vodka and tonic out on the lanai made for a perfect end of our outings for the day.

We grilled hamburgs for dinner and watched 2 more episodes of 24 on DVD (Day 5) and then the current 2 episodes from 8-10. And then we continued to watch more episodes until after midnight.
We are going to have withdrawal when we have seen all the seasons.
-- Posted from my iPhone
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