Monday, March 2, 2009

Leftovers and Turkey Broth

It's a good thing we love leftovers since we eat them so often. But can you imagine the amount of turkey leftovers when there are only two of you and you cook a 19 pound turkey?
Another easy meal. Two left over bottles of white wine and leftovers from yesterday.

I had a dentist appointment this morning and on the way home
stopped to take some pictures where the Bay goes out into the Lake. There was so much ice in the channel. While the whole East Coast is locked in a snow storm, we didn't have any snow today but it is COLD.

When I got home I carved all the meat off the turkey and then cooked the rest to make turkey broth. I'll freeze it and it will be available for using like chicken broth in any zillions of recipes I can create in large batches so we can have more leftovers.

As Larry says, we have meals "that keep on giving."

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