We met Ann and went kayaking this morning at Bay Creek. Helen & Alan and Jane & Bill were there for a lesson. We had a beautiful day and a great kayak. We saw turtles and swans. We each got single kayaks. Next time Larry & I will try a tandem.

We had to have our picture taken for the church directory at 2:45 and we were out of there by 3:37 (not that I was watching the clock). We then went to Wegmans and bought some things we needed as well as yellow fin tuna for dinner. After we were done eating, I thought I should have taken a picture. This is the recipe I used and we also had grilled zucchini & yellow squash as well as grilled corn on the cob. It was all preceded by our favorite vodka gimlet. We thought we were going to get rained on but we were able to have our drink and all of dinner outdoors. I love being able to eat outdoors.!!
Now is a different story. It's raining buckets and thundering too. I'm glad we don't have anywhere to be because it's sort of nice being indoors and listening to the thunderstorm.
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