Laura was supposed to meet me there but since she hadn't left at almost 1:00PM we decided she should wait until the next morning to avoid all the traffic she was destined to hit on a Friday afternoon.
When I got there Greta was finishing up her Tiger Cub scout meeting where they made cookies for some kids organization. Then she went to her Junior League event, dressed for the pajama party and I took Myles to soccer practice.
On the way home we stopped at the toy store in town for Silly Bandz but they were all out.
Beverly gave them dinner when we came home and then made popcorn for the kids to have while we watched Avatar. I dozed off for awhile while we watched the movie and Tucker fell asleep before it was over so I carried him up to bed. Greta came home while we were looking up Silly-Bandz on the internet and she said she saw them in a store that day so we looked them up, Garelick and Herbs and decided to go there for breakfast the next morning before Greta went to her next Jr. League event.
Laura arrived around 10:30 and we left for Myles baseball game at 11:30. We by chance got a parking spot right where he was playing. It turned out to be a beautiful day, perfect for sitting outside and watching the game. And for all the following games too.
Laura took the above pic of us

Myles hit a grand slam home run, he was the last one at bat for the game.
Laura went with Greta to Hunter's tee ball game
while I took Myles and Tucker for ice cream and then home. Tucker got his ice cream after the game and Myles had to get ready for his soccer game.
After all the activities it was time for Girls Night Out to celebrate Laura's birthday and Mother's Day. We went to Lolita in Greenwich and it was great. They started you off with some grapefruit shaved ice that they poured tequila on - YUMMY!!!
We each had a delicious meal, skipped dessert but when they brought the check they brought a giant cotton candy that was also delicious.
Sunday Myles went to a birthday party and we went to Target. Hunter and Tucker had lunch there too and then we picked Myles up from the party.
We had lunch and then Laura left for Boston after a last photo session.
Greta and I took the boys for new sneakers and then went to a great park in Greenwich that had all kinds of things to play on and got Good Humor too.
Back at home after dinner it was Shrek the 3rd and then bed. School the next day.
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